So I started this thing a while ago where I was going to talk about my wellness routines. While I don’t have flawless skin, I do have a few things I do that I have noticed make a difference, and I wanted to talk about them. The problem is that I only ever made one post about it; I talked about how I washed my face with honey, and that was basically it.

While this scenario is basically a summary of my entire life (I have no follow through) I’ve decided that I want to break this cycle.

So, today, I’m going to talk about ACV, or Apple Cider Vinegar.

ACV is super awesome, and to be honest, I cannot tell you the scientific reason for it. I can tell you, though, that after using a solution of one part ACV and one part water as a toner, my skin brightened noticeably, and I had far fewer blackheads. It has soothing qualities that help minimize my acne, and reduce redness.

I also use it to wash my hair, and it does a fantastic job of getting rid of buildup and I’ve noticed that my hair has been growing faster since I started using it as a rinse.

There are also a lot of other ways to use it, such as in face masks, in detox baths, or as a mouthwash. It’s definitely a beauty product I recommend to others, because I’ve found that it causes less irritation, and produces really great results!

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