Daily Archives: January 5, 2014


So I started this thing a while ago where I was going to talk about my wellness routines. While I don’t have flawless skin, I do have a few things I do that I have noticed make a difference, and I wanted to talk about them. The problem is that I only ever made one post about it; I talked about how I washed my face with honey, and that was basically it.

While this scenario is basically a summary of my entire life (I have no follow through) I’ve decided that I want to break this cycle.

So, today, I’m going to talk about ACV, or Apple Cider Vinegar.

ACV is super awesome, and to be honest, I cannot tell you the scientific reason for it. I can tell you, though, that after using a solution of one part ACV and one part water as a toner, my skin brightened noticeably, and I had far fewer blackheads. It has soothing qualities that help minimize my acne, and reduce redness.

I also use it to wash my hair, and it does a fantastic job of getting rid of buildup and I’ve noticed that my hair has been growing faster since I started using it as a rinse.

There are also a lot of other ways to use it, such as in face masks, in detox baths, or as a mouthwash. It’s definitely a beauty product I recommend to others, because I’ve found that it causes less irritation, and produces really great results!


The hope is that you’re reading this on a screen that is flawless. The screen is beautiful, all the fonts work together in harmony, and the colors somehow make you want to keep reading. Currently, however, as I’m writing, everything about this blog clashes, and I’m not quite sure how to fix it. I have all these great images in my head, and tons of posts that I want to write, but I can’t get past the fact that this blog can’t get its act together, you know?

I want it to have some really great patterns and some kind of catchy title that makes you want to keep reading. In an ideal world, there would be an elephant somewhere on the page, and it would be very engaging.

But as of now, while there are patterns, and while I have found a picture of an elephant, everything is not coming together quite the way I want it to. There’s very little in the way of harmony on this page, and that’s what I’ve been working on bringing to it today. I spent hours fiddling with different themes, and different options, and none of them worked quite the way I wanted them to. I hope that someday, I’ll look back on this post, and think “how silly of me! Everything is perfect now!”

Obviously that’s the goal. The only problem is that if I’m at point A, and I have no idea how to get to point B (harmony) – while I wish I could confront an eighth grade algebra class with this problem, I’m afraid it’s one that only I can solve. Unfortunately, I was never very good at algebra.